ALERT: Costs for Medical Records Retrieval

Recently, we learned that a medical records retrieval company that provides law firms with medical records through HIPAA authorizations and subpoenas has an alternative method of charging for providing medical records at a drastic price reduction from their original billing.  After receiving a bill for over $2,000 for paper copies, Suzie called and learned that if you make the same request to be provided on CD or via electronic transmission (DropBox, ftp site, etc.), there is a CAP for the charge in the amount of $104.00.  If you obtain the copies of medical records on paper, there is a 3 tier charge based on the number of pages.  Some firms may be paying these high charges unnecessarily.  Obviously this is subject to change, but we wanted you to be aware of this apparent loophole that is not mentioned on the original invoice.  Feel free to contact Suzie Wilson for further details.